Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A moment of thankfulness

Most of you know that my life (our lives) took a very crazy turn over the past few years and even months...in the midst of that I can sometimes find myself focusing on my circumstances...

Our finances...as a single mom now, are we going to make it each month? Will I have enough to pay our bills and still buy clothes for the kids? I can easily get overwhelmed by all the responsibilities.

Our divorce...how is affecting the kids? Are they going to be OK? Are they sharing enough...do they feel secure and safe? Am I doing enough as the mom? There are times when I am sure that I totally messed them up for their future relationships.

Our future...a new job? A new relationship...feeling lonely and strange being single? will there be romance and affection in my future? Where are we headed on this new journey? There are days when I feel so scared and alone.

So many questions...so many things new. I forget to take a moment and be thankful for where we are and what we have...

Tonight, the four of us sat down to dinner and Katie asked to pray. She prayed the simplest prayer from a little girl's heart.

"God, thank you for my family. I love them so much. Thank for your our house because there are people that don't have a place to live. And thank you for this food...it is so yummy."
What a reminder...so tonight as the kids are getting into bed and the house is settling down into a peaceful quiet...I am very thankful. Yes, I am scared and nervous about our future...but there is nothing I can do about the whatif's tonight...tonight I can have a heart full of gratitude.

God thank you for this gift of life...it may not always go the way we hope or plan, but I do know that you are always with us along the journey and that is enough. Thank you that nothing surprises you...you are never thrown for a loop...you never have to resort to plan B or C or Z...Thank you that, for whatever reason, you see something in me that you love...that is worth your time...Thank you for looking my way...everyday...

God has been so good to us and we are truly thankful!


  1. Great post.....and sometimes, it takes the little ones to get the point across. Love your blog...you blog well!

  2. What a wonderful post. I love your heart!

  3. So often the battle is in our minds the most and gratitude is one of our greatest weapons in fighting off the fears and doubts and lies of the enemy. Hang in there and turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face. And the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace.
